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Version: 3.12

ScalarDL Deployment Sample on Kubernetes (Auditor mode)


  • ScalarDL Ledger v3.5.3
  • ScalarDL Auditor v3.5.3
  • Scalar Envoy v1.3.0
  • ScalarDL Schema Loader v3.5.0
  • PostgreSQL v14.4
  • Helm Chart: scalar-labs/scalardl v4.3.3
  • Helm Chart: scalar-labs/scalardl-audit v2.3.3
  • Helm Chart: scalar-labs/envoy v2.2.0
  • Helm Chart: scalar-labs/schema-loading v2.6.0
  • Helm Chart: bitnami/postgresql v11.6.26


This sample creates the following environment on Kubernetes cluster.

| [Kubernetes Cluster] |
| [Pod] [Pod] [Pod] |
| |
| +-------+ +---------+ |
| +---> | Envoy | ---+ +---> | Ledger | ---+ |
| | +-------+ | | +---------+ | |
| | | | | |
| +---------+ | +-------+ | +-----------+ | +---------+ | +---------------+ |
| +---> | Service | ---+---> | Envoy | ---+---> | Service | ---+---> | Ledger | ---+---> | PostgreSQL | |
| | | (Envoy) | | +-------+ | | (Ledger) | | +---------+ | | (For Ledger) | |
| | +---------+ | | +-----------+ | | +---------------+ |
| | | +-------+ | | +---------+ | |
| | +---> | Envoy | ---+ +---> | Ledger | ---+ |
| +--------+ | +-------+ +---------+ |
| | Client | ---+ |
| +--------+ | +-------+ +---------+ |
| | +---> | Envoy | ---+ +---> | Auditor | ---+ |
| | | +-------+ | | +---------+ | |
| | | | | | |
| | +---------+ | +-------+ | +-----------+ | +---------+ | +---------------+ |
| +---> | Service | ---+---> | Envoy | ---+---> | Service | ---+---> | Auditor | ---+---> | PostgreSQL | |
| | (Envoy) | | +-------+ | | (Auditor) | | +---------+ | | (For Auditor) | |
| +---------+ | | +-----------+ | | +---------------+ |
| | +-------+ | | +---------+ | |
| +---> | Envoy | ---+ +---> | Auditor | ---+ |
| +-------+ +---------+ |
| |

Note: To make Byzantine fault detection with auditing work properly, Ledger and Auditor should be deployed and managed in different administrative domains. However, for this samples, we deploy them in the same Kubernetes cluster.


  1. Get sample files.

    git clone
    cd helm-charts/docs/samples/scalardl/scalardl-auditor-mode-sample/
  2. Add Helm repositories.

    helm repo add bitnami
    helm repo add scalar-labs
  3. Create a secret resource to access private container registry (GitHub Packages).

    kubectl create secret docker-registry reg-docker-secrets \ \
    --docker-username=<USERNAME> \
  4. Deploy PostgreSQL for Ledger.

    helm install postgresql-ledger bitnami/postgresql \
    --set auth.postgresPassword=postgres \
    --set primary.persistence.enabled=false \
    --version 11.6.26
  5. Deploy PostgreSQL for Auditor.

    helm install postgresql-auditor bitnami/postgresql \
    --set auth.postgresPassword=postgres \
    --set primary.persistence.enabled=false \
    --version 11.6.26

Deploy ScalarDL Ledger

  1. Create a secret resource that includes DB credentials.

    kubectl create secret generic ledger-credentials-secret \
    --from-literal=SCALAR_DB_USERNAME=postgres \
  2. Create a secret resource that includes private key file.

    kubectl create secret generic ledger-key-secret \
  3. Deploy ScalarDL Schema Loader to create schema on PostgreSQL for Ledger.

    helm install schema-ledger scalar-labs/schema-loading \
    -f ./schema-loader-ledger-custom-values.yaml \
    --version 2.6.0
  4. Deploy ScalarDL Ledger.

    helm install scalardl-ledger scalar-labs/scalardl \
    -f ./scalardl-ledger-custom-values.yaml \
    --version 4.3.3

Deploy ScalarDL Auditor

  1. Create a secret resource that includes DB credentials.

    kubectl create secret generic auditor-credentials-secret \
    --from-literal=SCALAR_DB_USERNAME=postgres \
  2. Create a secret resource that includes private key and certificate file.

    kubectl create secret generic auditor-key-secret \
    --from-file=auditor-key-file=./auditor-key.pem \
  3. Deploy ScalarDL Schema Loader to create schema on PostgreSQL for Auditor.

    helm install schema-auditor scalar-labs/schema-loading \
    -f ./schema-loader-auditor-custom-values.yaml \
    --version 2.6.0
  4. Deploy ScalarDL Auditor.

    helm install scalardl-auditor scalar-labs/scalardl-audit \
    -f ./scalardl-auditor-custom-values.yaml \
    --version 2.3.3

Deploy Client

  1. Create secret resources that include each private key and certificate file.

    kubectl create secret generic client-ledger-key-secret \
    --from-file=ledger-key-file=./ledger-key.pem \
    kubectl create secret generic client-auditor-key-secret \
    --from-file=auditor-key-file=./auditor-key.pem \
    kubectl create secret generic client-key-secret \
    --from-file=client-key-file=./client-key.pem \
  2. Create configmap resources that include each properties file.

    kubectl create configmap ledger-as-client-properties \
    kubectl create configmap auditor-as-client-properties \
    kubectl create configmap client-properties \
  3. Deploy client.

    kubectl apply -f ./scalardl-client.yaml

Run sample contracts

  1. Attach to client container with bash.

    kubectl exec -it scalardl-client -- bash
  2. Install some tools to build and run the sample contracts.

    apt update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" TZ="Etc/UTC" apt install -y git openjdk-8-jdk curl unzip
  3. Clone ScalarDL Java Client SDK git repository and build sample contracts.

    git clone
    cd /scalardl-java-client-sdk/
    git checkout -b v3.5.3 refs/tags/v3.5.3
    ./gradlew assemble
  4. Download CLI tools of ScalarDL and unzip them.

    curl -OL
    unzip ./
  5. Register the certificate file of Ledger, Auditor, and client.

    ./scalardl-java-client-sdk-3.5.3/bin/register-cert --properties /conf/ledger/
    ./scalardl-java-client-sdk-3.5.3/bin/register-cert --properties /conf/auditor/
    ./scalardl-java-client-sdk-3.5.3/bin/register-cert --properties /conf/client/
  6. Register the sample contract StateUpdater.

    ./scalardl-java-client-sdk-3.5.3/bin/register-contract --properties /conf/client/ --contract-id StateUpdater --contract-binary-name com.org1.contract.StateUpdater --contract-class-file ./build/classes/java/main/com/org1/contract/StateUpdater.class
  7. Register the sample contract StateReader.

    ./scalardl-java-client-sdk-3.5.3/bin/register-contract --properties /conf/client/ --contract-id StateReader --contract-binary-name com.org1.contract.StateReader --contract-class-file ./build/classes/java/main/com/org1/contract/StateReader.class
  8. Register the contract ValidateLedger.

    ./scalardl-java-client-sdk-3.5.3/bin/register-contract --properties /conf/client/ --contract-id validate-ledger --contract-binary-name com.scalar.dl.client.contract.ValidateLedger --contract-class-file ./build/classes/java/main/com/scalar/dl/client/contract/ValidateLedger.class
  9. Execute the contract StateUpdater. This sample contract updates the state (value) of the asset named test_asset to 3.

    ./scalardl-java-client-sdk-3.5.3/bin/execute-contract --properties /conf/client/ --contract-id StateUpdater --contract-argument '{"asset_id": "test_asset", "state": 3}'
  10. Execute the contract StateReader.

    ./scalardl-java-client-sdk-3.5.3/bin/execute-contract --properties /conf/client/ --contract-id StateReader --contract-argument '{"asset_id": "test_asset"}'
  11. Execute a validation request of the asset.

    ./scalardl-java-client-sdk-3.5.3/bin/validate-ledger --properties /conf/client/ --asset-id "test_asset"