This document explains how to deploy ScalarDB Analytics with PostgreSQL by using Scalar Helm Charts. For details on the custom values file for ScalarDB Analytics with PostgreSQL, see Configure a custom values file for ScalarDB Analytics with PostgreSQL.

Prepare a secret resource

You must create a secret resource scalardb-analytics-postgresql-superuser-password with the key superuser-password that includes a superuser password for PostgreSQL before you deploy ScalarDB Analytics with PostgreSQL. Scalar Helm Chart mounts this secret resource and sets the POSTGRES_PASSWORD environment variable to the value of the superuser-password key.

kubectl create secret generic scalardb-analytics-postgresql-superuser-password --from-literal=superuser-password=<POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD> -n <NAMESPACE>

Deploy ScalarDB Analytics with PostgreSQL

To deploy ScalarDB Analytics with PostgreSQL, run the following command, replacing the contents in the angle brackets as described:

helm install <RELEASE_NAME> scalar-labs/scalardb-analytics-postgresql -n <NAMESPACE> -f /<PATH_TO_YOUR_CUSTOM_VALUES_FILE_FOR_SCALARDB_ANALYTICS_WITH_POSTGRESQL> --version <CHART_VERSION>

Upgrade a ScalarDB Analytics with PostgreSQL deployment

To upgrade a ScalarDB Analytics with PostgreSQL deployment, run the following command, replacing the contents in the angle brackets as described:

helm upgrade <RELEASE_NAME> scalar-labs/scalardb-analytics-postgresql -n <NAMESPACE> -f /<PATH_TO_YOUR_CUSTOM_VALUES_FILE_FOR_SCALARDB_ANALYTICS_WITH_POSTGRESQL> --version <CHART_VERSION>

Delete a ScalarDB Analytics with PostgreSQL deployment

To delete a ScalarDB Analytics with PostgreSQL deployment, run the following command, replacing the contents in the angle brackets as described:

helm uninstall <RELEASE_NAME> -n <NAMESPACE>