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Version: 3.15

Getting Started with ScalarDB Analytics

This tutorial describes how to run analytical queries on sample data by using ScalarDB Analytics. The source code is available at

ScalarDB Analytics in its current version leverages Apache Spark as its execution engine. It provides a unified view of ScalarDB-managed and non-ScalarDB-managed data sources by using a Spark custom catalog. By using ScalarDB Analytics, you can treat tables from these data sources as native Spark tables. This allows you to execute arbitrary Spark SQL queries seamlessly. For example, you can join a table stored in Cassandra with a table in PostgreSQL to perform cross-database analysis with ease.

Overview of the sample application​

This sample tutorial demonstrates how to configure Spark to enable ScalarDB Analytics and perform interactive analyses using spark-sql on tables provided by ScalarDB Analytics.

Prerequisites for this sample application​


You need to have a license key (trial license or commercial license) to use ScalarDB Analytics. If you don't have a license key, please contact us.

Step 1: Set up ScalarDB Analytics​

Clone the ScalarDB samples repository​

Open Terminal, and clone the ScalarDB samples repository by running the following command:

git clone

Then, go to the directory that contains the sample application by running the following command:

cd scalardb-samples/scalardb-analytics-spark-sample

Set your license information​

ScalarDB Analytics requires valid license information to be specified in the Spark configuration. You can provide your license details in the spark-defaults.conf file.

Open the spark-defaults.conf file located in the conf directory of your Spark installation. Then, replace <REPLACE_THIS_WITH_YOUR_LICENSE> with your license key and <REPLACE_THIS_WITH_YOUR_LICENSE_CERTIFICATE_PEM_CONTENTS> with the PEM-encoded contents of your license certificate.

spark.sql.catalog.test_catalog.license.key <REPLACE_THIS_WITH_YOUR_LICENSE>
spark.sql.catalog.test_catalog.license.cert_pem <REPLACE_THIS_WITH_YOUR_LICENSE_CERTIFICATE_PEM_CONTENTS>

For additional configuration details required in the spark-defaults.conf file for setting up ScalarDB Analytics, refer to ScalarDB Analytics configuration.

Step 2: Set up the sample databases​

To set up the sample databases, run the following command:

docker compose up -d --wait

This command starts three services locally: PostgreSQL, Cassandra, and MySQL.

  • PostgreSQL: Used independently (non-ScalarDB-managed).
  • Cassandra and MySQL: Used as backend databases for ScalarDB (ScalarDB-managed).

In this guide, PostgreSQL is referred to as a non-ScalarDB-managed database, which is not managed by ScalarDB transactions, while Cassandra and DynamoDB are referred to as ScalarDB-managed databases, which are managed by ScalarDB transactions.

For non-ScalarDB-managed databases, sample data is automatically loaded when the Docker container is initialized, so no additional steps are required. For ScalarDB-managed databases, run the following command to load the sample data after starting the containers:

docker compose run --rm sample-data-loader

After completing the setup, the following tables should be available:

  • In PostgreSQL:
    • sample_ns.customer
  • In ScalarDB (backed by Cassandra):
    • cassandrans.lineitem
  • In ScalarDB (backed by MySQL):
    • mysqlns.order

According to the above, within ScalarDB, cassandrans and mysqlns are mapped to Cassandra and MySQL, respectively.

For details about the table schema, including column definitions and data types, refer to Schema details. Ensure that the sample data has been successfully loaded into these tables.

Step 3: Launch the Spark SQL console​

To launch the Spark SQL console, run the following command:

docker compose run --rm spark-sql

While launching the Spark SQL console, the ScalarDB Analytics catalog is initialized with the configuration in spark-defaults.conf and is registered as a Spark catalog named test_catalog.

Namespace mapping​

The following tables in the configured data sources are mapped to Spark SQL tables, allowing seamless querying across different data sources:

  • For PostgreSQL:
    • test_catalog.postgresql.sample_ns.customer
  • For ScalarDB (backed by Cassandra):
    • test_catalog.scalardb.cassandrans.lineitem
  • For ScalarDB (backed by MySQL):
    • test_catalog.scalardb.mysqlns.orders

For more details about how tables are mapped to Spark SQL tables, refer to Namespace-mapping details.

Additionally, ScalarDB Analytics offers WAL-interpreted views for ScalarDB tables, simplifying common use cases. In this sample application, you have the following WAL-interpreted views available:

  • For ScalarDB (backed by Cassandra):
    • test_catalog.view.scalardb.cassandrans.lineitem
  • For ScalarDB (backed by MySQL):
    • test_catalog.view.scalardb.mysqlns.orders

In most cases, WAL-interpreted views are preferred over raw tables. In this tutorial, we will use the WAL-interpreted views for the ScalarDB tables. For detailed information on WAL-interpreted views, including their use cases and benefits, see WAL-interpreted views for ScalarDB tables.

Step 4: Run analytical queries​

Now, everything is set up, and you can run analytical queries on the sample data using the Spark SQL console.

Read data and calculate summaries​

You can run the following query to retrieve data from test_catalog.scalardb.cassandrans.lineitem in Cassandra and calculate aggregated metrics, including total quantity, average price, and total revenue for line items grouped by their return flag and line status.

sum(l_quantity) AS sum_qty,
sum(l_extendedprice) AS sum_base_price,
sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) AS sum_disc_price,
sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount) * (1 + l_tax)) AS sum_charge,
avg(l_quantity) AS avg_qty,
avg(l_extendedprice) AS avg_price,
avg(l_discount) AS avg_disc,
count(*) AS count_order
to_date(l_shipdate, 'yyyy-MM-dd') <= date '1998-12-01' - 3

You should see the following output:

A       F       1519    2374824.6560278563      1387364.2207725341      1962763.4654265852      26.649122807017545      41663.590456629056      0.41501802923479575    57
N F 98 146371.2295412012 85593.96776336085 121041.55837332775 32.666666666666664 48790.409847067065 0.40984706454007996 3
N O 5374 8007373.247086477 4685647.785126835 6624210.945739046 24.427272727272726 36397.15112312035 0.4147594809559689 220
R F 1461 2190869.9676265526 1284178.4378283697 1814151.2807494882 25.189655172413794 37773.62013149229 0.41323493790730753 58

Join tables that span multiple data sources​

You can also run the following query to join tables from multiple data sources, including both ScalarDB-managed and non-ScalarDB-managed tables. This query joins customer, order, and line item data from PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Cassandra, identifying the top unshipped orders with the highest revenue on a specific date. This analysis helps prioritize shipments for maximum financial impact.

sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) AS revenue,
c_mktsegment = 'AUTOMOBILE'
AND c_custkey = o_custkey
AND l_orderkey = o_orderkey
AND o_orderdate < '1995-03-15'
AND l_shipdate > '1995-03-15'
revenue DESC,

You should see the following output:

1071617 128186.99915996166      1995-03-10      0
1959075 33104.51278645416 1994-12-23 0
430243 19476.115819260962 1994-12-24 0

You can also run any arbitrary query that Apache Spark and Spark SQL support on the imported tables in this sample tutorial. Since ScalarDB Analytics supports all queries that Spark SQL supports, you can do not only selections (filtering), joins, aggregations, and ordering, as shown in the example, but also window functions, lateral joins, and other various operations.

To see which types of queries Spark SQL supports, see the Spark SQL documentation.

Step 5: Stop the sample application​

To stop the sample application and remove all associated volumes, run the following command. This action shuts down all services and deletes any persisted data stored in the volumes, resetting the application state:

docker compose down -v


This section contains other details related to ScalarDB Analytics, like configurations and schema details.

ScalarDB Analytics configuration​

You can configure ScalarDB Analytics in the Spark configuration, such as in the spark-defaults.conf file. This section contains brief explanations of the configurations for ScalarDB Analytics in this sample application.

Common configurations​

The following are common configurations for ScalarDB Analytics:


The first line specifies the Spark catalog plugin implementation class. You must always set this to to enable the ScalarDB Analytics catalog in Spark SQL.


You can set an arbitrary string as the catalog name, which is test_catalog in this example. The configured catalog name will be used as a part of the table identifier in the Spark SQL query.

The second line specifies the Spark SQL extension implementation class. You must always set this to, along with the spark.sql.catalog.test_catalog configuration, mentioned above.

License information​

The following are the license configurations for ScalarDB Analytics:

spark.sql.catalog.test_catalog.license.key <REPLACE_THIS_WITH_YOUR_LICENSE>
spark.sql.catalog.test_catalog.license.cert_pem <REPLACE_THIS_WITH_YOUR_LICENSE_CERTIFICATE_PEM_CONTENTS>

These lines provide the license information for ScalarDB Analytics. As explained above, you must replace the placeholders with your license information before launching the Spark SQL console.

Data source configurations for ScalarDB-managed databases​

The following are the data source configurations for ScalarDB-managed databases for ScalarDB Analytics:

spark.sql.catalog.test_catalog.data_source.scalardb.type scalardb
spark.sql.catalog.test_catalog.data_source.scalardb.config_path /etc/

The first line specifies the data source type. You must always set this to scalardb to configure the data source for ScalarDB-managed databases. The second line specifies the path to the configuration file for the ScalarDB data source, which is the only required configuration for the ScalarDB data source.


You can set an arbitrary string as the data source name, which is scalardb in this example. The configured data source names will be used as a part of the table identifier in the Spark SQL query.

Data source configurations for non-ScalarDB-managed databases​

The following are the data source configurations for non-ScalarDB-managed databases for ScalarDB Analytics:

spark.sql.catalog.test_catalog.data_source.postgresql.type postgresql postgres
spark.sql.catalog.test_catalog.data_source.postgresql.port 5432
spark.sql.catalog.test_catalog.data_source.postgresql.username postgres
spark.sql.catalog.test_catalog.data_source.postgresql.password postgres
spark.sql.catalog.test_catalog.data_source.postgresql.database sampledb

These lines configure the data source PostgreSQL as a non-ScalarDB-managed database. The first line specifies the data source type, and the rest of the lines specify the data source-specific configurations, which is the connection information for the PostgreSQL data source. The data source–specific configurations may vary depending on the data source type.


You can set an arbitrary string as the data source name, which is postgresql in this example, in the same way as the ScalarDB data source.

Schema details​

The following entity relationship diagram illustrates the relationships between the tables across PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Cassandra, with foreign keys linking customers, orders, and line items.

  • postgresql.sample_ns.customer comes from PostgreSQL, which is not managed by ScalarDB.
  • scalardb.mysqlns.orders and scalardb.cassandrans.lineitem come from ScalarDB, which are backed by MySQL and Cassandra, respectively.

The following are brief descriptions of the tables:

  • postgresql.sample_ns.customer. A table that represents information about customers. This table includes attributes like customer key, name, address, phone number, and account balance.
  • scalardb.mysqlns.orders. A table that contains information about orders that customers have placed. This table includes attributes like order key, customer key, order status, order date, and order priority.
  • scalardb.cassandrans.lineitem. A table that represents line items associated with orders. This table includes attributes such as order key, part key, supplier key, quantity, price, and shipping date.

Namespace-mapping details​

The tables of each configured data source are mapped to the Spark SQL identifier by using the following format:


The following explains each part of the table identifier:

  • <CATALOG_NAME>. The catalog name configured in spark-defaults.conf. This identifies the ScalarDB Analytics catalog in Spark SQL.
  • <DATA_SOURCE_NAME>. The data source name configured in spark-defaults.conf, representing the specific type of data source, such as postgresql or scalardb.
  • <NAMESPACE_NAME>. The namespace name in the data source. For example:
    • In an RDBMS like PostgreSQL or MySQL, this corresponds to the schema.
    • In NoSQL databases like Cassandra, this may refer to a keyspace.
  • <TABLE_NAME>. The name of the table in the namespace.

In this example, the following tables are available:

  • For PostgreSQL:
    • test_catalog.postgresql.sample_ns.customer
  • For ScalarDB (backed by Cassandra):
    • test_catalog.scalardb.cassandrans.lineitem
  • For ScalarDB (backed by MySQL):
    • test_catalog.scalardb.mysqlns.orders

This mapping allows you to access and query tables from different data sources seamlessly by using Spark SQL.

WAL-interpreted views for ScalarDB tables​

ScalarDB tables that are transaction-enabled include transaction metadata columns in the raw tables stored in the underlying data sources. Since ScalarDB Analytics maps these raw tables directly to Spark SQL tables, you will see transaction metadata columns when describing these tables in Spark SQL. You can see these columns by running the following command:

DESCRIBE test_catalog.scalardb.mysqlns.orders;

You should see the following output:

o_orderkey              int
o_custkey int
o_orderstatus string
o_totalprice double
o_orderdate string
o_orderpriority string
o_clerk string
o_shippriority int
o_comment string
tx_id string
tx_state int
tx_version int
tx_prepared_at bigint
tx_committed_at bigint
before_tx_id string
before_tx_state int
before_tx_version int
before_tx_prepared_at bigint
before_tx_committed_at bigint
before_o_orderstatus string
before_o_clerk string
before_o_orderdate string
before_o_shippriority int
before_o_custkey int
before_o_totalprice double
before_o_comment string
before_o_orderpriority string

In many cases, you may not need the transaction metadata columns in your queries. To simplify this, ScalarDB Analytics provides WAL-interpreted views. WAL-interpreted views hide transaction metadata columns and expose only user-defined columns, simplifying queries. For example, use WAL-interpreted views when performing read-only analytics or when transaction metadata is not needed for analysis. Additionally, WAL-interpreted views guarantee read-committed consistency by interpreting the transaction metadata columns internally.

WAL-interpreted view naming convention in Spark SQL​

WAL-interpreted views are prefixed with view. before the data source part of the table identifier. For example, the following WAL-interpreted views are available for ScalarDB tables:

  • For ScalarDB (backed by Cassandra):
    • test_catalog.view.scalardb.cassandrans.lineitem
  • For ScalarDB (backed by MySQL):
    • test_catalog.view.scalardb.mysqlns.orders

For example, to see the WAL-interpreted view for the ScalarDB table backed by Cassandra, run the following command:

DESCRIBE test_catalog.view.scalardb.cassandrans.lineitem;

You should see the following output:

l_orderkey              int
l_linenumber int
l_comment string
l_commitdate string
l_discount double
l_extendedprice double
l_linestatus string
l_partkey int
l_quantity int
l_receiptdate string
l_returnflag string
l_shipdate string
l_shipinstruct string
l_shipmode string
l_suppkey int
l_tax double