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Version: 3.10

ScalarDB Cluster gRPC API Guide

This document describes the ScalarDB Cluster gRPC API.


You need to have a license key (trial license or commercial license) to use ScalarDB Cluster. If you don't have a license key, please contact us.

ScalarDB Cluster provides a Java API that uses the gRPC API internally. If you use Java or a JVM language, you can use the Java API instead of the ScalarDB Cluster gRPC API directly. For details about the Java API, see Developer Guide for ScalarDB Cluster with the Java API.

For details about the services and messages for the ScalarDB Cluster gRPC API, see the definitions in the scalardb-cluster.proto file. For ScalarDB Cluster users who have a commercial license, please contact support if you need the scalardb-cluster.proto file.

ScalarDB Cluster gRPC API is composed of the following services:

  • scalardb.cluster.rpc.v1.DistributedTransaction: Provides a distributed transaction capability for ScalarDB Cluster.
  • scalardb.cluster.rpc.v1.TwoPhaseCommitTransaction: Provides a two-phase commit transaction capability for ScalarDB Cluster.
  • scalardb.cluster.rpc.v1.DistributedTransactionAdmin: Provides comprehensive administrative operations.

The following sections describe how to use each service.

Overview of error handling in ScalarDB Cluster gRPC API​

Before describing how to use each service, this section explains how error handling works in ScalarDB Cluster gRPC API.

ScalarDB Cluster gRPC API employs Richer error model for error handling. This model enables servers to return and enables clients to consume additional error details expressed as one or more protobuf messages. ScalarDB Cluster gRPC API uses google.rpc.ErrorInfo, which is one of the standard set of error message types, and puts additional error details in ErrorInfo fields.

ErrorInfo has the following fields:

  • reason: A string that provides a short description of the error. The following sections describe the possible values of reason in each service.
  • domain: A string that indicates the error's origin. In ScalarDB Cluster gRPC API, this string is always set to com.scalar.db.cluster.
  • metadata: A map of metadata for the specific error. In ScalarDB Cluster gRPC API, a transaction ID with the transactionId key in the map is put if the error is related to a transaction.

If you encounter an error, you can retrieve ErrorInfo from google.rpc.Status in the gRPC response, but the method for doing so depends on the programming language. Please refer to the appropriate documentation to understand how to get ErrorInfo in your specific programming language.

How to use the DistributedTransaction service​

The DistributedTransaction service provides the following RPCs:

  • Begin: Begins a transaction.
  • Get: Retrieves a record.
  • Scan: Scans records.
  • Put: Puts a record.
  • Delete: Deletes a record.
  • Mutate Mutates records in a partition.
  • Commit: Commits a transaction.
  • Rollback: Rolls back a transaction.

First, you call Begin to initiate a transaction. Then, you can call Get and Scan to read records, Put and Mutate to write records, and Delete and Mutate to delete records. To finalize the transaction, call Commit. Alternatively, you can call Rollback at any time before the transaction is committed to cancel it. By calling Begin, you receive a transaction ID in the response, which you can then use to call Get, Scan, Put, Delete, Mutate, Commit, and Rollback.

When you call Begin, you can optionally specify a transaction ID. If you specify a transaction ID, the user is responsible for guaranteeing the uniqueness of the ID. If you do not specify a transaction ID, ScalarDB Cluster will generate a transaction ID for the transaction.

You need to set RequestHeader for each RPC request. RequestHeader contains a hop_limit field, which restricts the number of hops for a request. The purpose of the hop_limit is to prevent infinite loops within the cluster. Each time a request is forwarded to another cluster node, the hop_limit decreases by one. If the hop_limit reaches zero, the request will be rejected.

Error handling​

The table below shows the status code and the possible values of reason in ErrorInfo in each RPC in the DistributedTransaction service:

RPCStatus codereason in ErrorInfoDescription
BeginINVALID_ARGUMENTILLEGAL_ARGUMENTThe argument in the request message is invalid.
BeginFAILED_PRECONDITIONILLEGAL_STATEThe RPC was called in an invalid state.
BeginINTERNALHOP_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDThe hop limit was exceeded. This occurs when the routing information between cluster nodes is inconsistent. The error is usually resolved in a short amount of time, so you can retry the transaction from the beginning after some time has passed since encountering this error.
BeginINTERNALINTERNAL_ERRORThe operation has failed due to transient or nontransient faults. You can try retrying the transaction from the beginning, but the transaction may still fail if the cause is nontransient.
Get, Scan, Put, Delete, MutateINVALID_ARGUMENTILLEGAL_ARGUMENTThe argument in the request message is invalid.
Get, Scan, Put, Delete, MutateFAILED_PRECONDITIONILLEGAL_STATEThe RPC was called in an invalid state.
Get, Scan, Put, Delete, MutateNOT_FOUNDTRANSACTION_NOT_FOUNDThe transaction associated with the specified transaction ID was not found. This error indicates that the transaction has expired or the routing information has been updated due to cluster topology changes. In this case, please retry the transaction from the beginning.
Get, Scan, Put, Delete, MutateINTERNALHOP_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDThe hop limit was exceeded. This occurs when the routing information between cluster nodes is inconsistent. The error is usually resolved in a short amount of time, so you can retry the transaction from the beginning after some time has passed since encountering this error.
Get, Scan, Put, Delete, MutateFAILED_PRECONDITIONTRANSACTION_CONFLICTA transaction conflict occurred. If you encounter this error, please retry the transaction from the beginning.
Get, Scan, Put, Delete, MutateINTERNALINTERNAL_ERRORThe operation has failed due to transient or nontransient faults. You can try retrying the transaction from the beginning, but the transaction may still fail if the cause is nontransient.
Put, Delete, MutateFAILED_PRECONDITIONUNSATISFIED_CONDITIONThe mutation condition is not satisfied.
CommitINVALID_ARGUMENTILLEGAL_ARGUMENTThe argument in the request message is invalid.
CommitFAILED_PRECONDITIONILLEGAL_STATEThe RPC was called in an invalid state.
CommitNOT_FOUNDTRANSACTION_NOT_FOUNDThe transaction associated with the specified transaction ID was not found. This error indicates that the transaction has expired or the routing information has been updated due to cluster topology changes. In this case, please retry the transaction from the beginning.
CommitINTERNALHOP_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDThe hop limit was exceeded. This occurs when the routing information between cluster nodes is inconsistent. The error is usually resolved in a short amount of time, so you can retry the transaction from the beginning after some time has passed since encountering this error.
CommitFAILED_PRECONDITIONTRANSACTION_CONFLICTA transaction conflict occurred. If you encounter this error, please retry the transaction from the beginning.
CommitINTERNALUNKNOWN_TRANSACTION_STATUSThe status of the transaction is unknown (it is uncertain whether the transaction was successfully committed or not). In this situation, you need to check whether the transaction was successfully committed, and if not, to retry it. The responsibility for determining the transaction status rests with the users. It may be beneficial to create a transaction status table and update it in conjunction with other application data so that you can determine the status of a transaction from the table itself.
CommitINTERNALINTERNAL_ERRORThe operation has failed due to transient or nontransient faults. You can try retrying the transaction from the beginning, but the transaction may still fail if the cause is nontransient.
RollbackINVALID_ARGUMENTILLEGAL_ARGUMENTThe argument in the request message is invalid.
RollbackFAILED_PRECONDITIONILLEGAL_STATEThe RPC was called in an invalid state.
RollbackNOT_FOUNDTRANSACTION_NOT_FOUNDThe transaction associated with the specified transaction ID was not found. In case of a rollback, you do not need to retry the transaction because the transaction will expire automatically.
RollbackINTERNALHOP_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDThe hop limit was exceeded. In case of a rollback, you do not need to retry the transaction because the transaction will expire automatically.
RollbackINTERNALINTERNAL_ERRORThe operation has failed due to transient or nontransient faults. You can try retrying the transaction from the beginning, but the transaction may still fail if the cause is nontransient.

If you encounter an error, you should roll back the transaction, except in the case of Begin. Then, you can retry the transaction from the beginning for the errors that can be resolved by retrying.

Besides the errors listed above, you may encounter errors returned by the gRPC library. In these cases, the response will not contain ErrorInfo. For details, refer to the gRPC documentation.

You can set a deadline for each RPC in gRPC. If the deadline is exceeded, you will receive a DEADLINE_EXCEEDED error. In general, you should roll back the transaction in this situation, unless the RPC is Begin or Commit. In the case of Commit, the situation is equivalent to UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION_STATUS (it is uncertain whether the transaction was successfully committed or not), and you must handle the error in the same way.

How to use the TwoPhaseCommitTransaction service​

The TwoPhaseCommitTransaction service provides the following RPCs:

  • Begin: Begins a transaction.
  • Join: Joins a transaction.
  • Get: Retrieves a record.
  • Scan: Scans records.
  • Put: Puts a record.
  • Delete: Deletes a record.
  • Mutate: Mutates records in a partition.
  • Prepare: Prepares a transaction.
  • Validate: Validates a transaction.
  • Commit: Commits a transaction.
  • Rollback: Rolls back a transaction.

First, you call Begin to initiate a transaction if you are the coordinator process. Alternatively, if you are a participant process, you can call Join to take part in a transaction that the coordinator has already begun. Then, you can call Get and Scan to read records, Put and Mutate to write records, and Delete and Mutate to delete records. To finalize the transaction, call Prepare, Validate, and then Commit in order. Alternatively, you can call Rollback at any time before the transaction is committed to cancel it. By calling Begin or Join, you receive a transaction ID in the response, which you can then use to call Get, Scan, Put, Delete, Mutate, Prepare, Validate, Commit, and Rollback.

When you call Begin, you can optionally specify a transaction ID. If you specify a transaction ID, the user is responsible for guaranteeing the uniqueness of the ID. If you do not specify a transaction ID, ScalarDB Cluster will generate a transaction ID for the transaction.

You need to set RequestHeader for each RPC request. RequestHeader contains a hop_limit field, which restricts the number of hops for a request. The purpose of the hop_limit is to prevent infinite loops within the cluster. Each time a request is forwarded to another cluster node, the hop_limit decreases by one. If the hop_limit reaches zero, the request will be rejected.

Error handling​

The table below shows the status code and the possible values of reason in ErrorInfo in each RPC in the TwoPhaseCommitTransaction service:

RPCStatus codereason in ErrorInfoDescription
Begin, JoinINVALID_ARGUMENTILLEGAL_ARGUMENTThe argument in the request message is invalid.
Begin, JoinFAILED_PRECONDITIONILLEGAL_STATEThe RPC was called in an invalid state.
Begin, JoinINTERNALHOP_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDThe hop limit was exceeded. This occurs when the routing information between cluster nodes is inconsistent. The error is usually resolved in a short amount of time, so you can retry the transaction from the beginning after some time has passed since encountering this error.
Begin, JoinINTERNALINTERNAL_ERRORThe operation has failed due to transient or nontransient faults. You can try retrying the transaction from the beginning, but the transaction may still fail if the cause is nontransient.
Get, Scan, Put, Delete, MutateINVALID_ARGUMENTILLEGAL_ARGUMENTThe argument in the request message is invalid.
Get, Scan, Put, Delete, MutateFAILED_PRECONDITIONILLEGAL_STATEThe RPC was called in an invalid state.
Get, Scan, Put, Delete, MutateNOT_FOUNDTRANSACTION_NOT_FOUNDThe transaction associated with the specified transaction ID was not found. This indicates that the transaction has expired or the routing information has been updated due to cluster topology changes. In this case, please retry the transaction from the beginning.
Get, Scan, Put, Delete, MutateINTERNALHOP_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDThe hop limit was exceeded. This occurs when the routing information between cluster nodes is inconsistent. The error is usually resolved in a short amount of time, so you can retry the transaction from the beginning after some time has passed since encountering this error.
Get, Scan, Put, Delete, MutateFAILED_PRECONDITIONTRANSACTION_CONFLICTA transaction conflict occurred. If you encounter this error, please retry the transaction from the beginning.
Get, Scan, Put, Delete, MutateINTERNALINTERNAL_ERRORThe operation has failed due to transient or nontransient faults. You can try retrying the transaction from the beginning, but the transaction may still fail if the cause is nontransient.
Put, Delete, MutateFAILED_PRECONDITIONUNSATISFIED_CONDITIONThe mutation condition is not satisfied.
Prepare, ValidateINVALID_ARGUMENTILLEGAL_ARGUMENTThe argument in the request message is invalid.
Prepare, ValidateFAILED_PRECONDITIONILLEGAL_STATEThe RPC was called in an invalid state.
Prepare, ValidateNOT_FOUNDTRANSACTION_NOT_FOUNDThe transaction associated with the specified transaction ID was not found. This error indicates that the transaction has expired or the routing information has been updated due to cluster topology changes. In this case, please retry the transaction from the beginning.
Prepare, ValidateINTERNALHOP_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDThe hop limit was exceeded. This occurs when the routing information between cluster nodes is inconsistent. The error is usually resolved in a short amount of time, so you can retry the transaction from the beginning after some time has passed since encountering this error.
Prepare, ValidateFAILED_PRECONDITIONTRANSACTION_CONFLICTA transaction conflict occurred. If you encounter this error, please retry the transaction from the beginning.
Prepare, ValidateINTERNALINTERNAL_ERRORThe operation has failed due to transient or nontransient faults. You can try retrying the transaction from the beginning, but the transaction may still fail if the cause is nontransient.
CommitINVALID_ARGUMENTILLEGAL_ARGUMENTThe argument in the request message is invalid.
CommitFAILED_PRECONDITIONILLEGAL_STATEThe RPC was called in an invalid state.
CommitNOT_FOUNDTRANSACTION_NOT_FOUNDThe transaction associated with the specified transaction ID was not found. This error indicates that the transaction has expired or the routing information has been updated due to cluster topology changes. In this case, please retry the transaction from the beginning.
CommitINTERNALHOP_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDThe hop limit was exceeded. This occurs when the routing information between cluster nodes is inconsistent. The error is usually resolved in a short amount of time, so you can retry the transaction from the beginning after some time has passed since encountering this error.
CommitFAILED_PRECONDITIONTRANSACTION_CONFLICTA transaction conflict occurred. If you encounter this error, please retry the transaction from the beginning.
CommitINTERNALUNKNOWN_TRANSACTION_STATUSThe status of the transaction is unknown (it is uncertain whether the transaction was successfully committed or not). In this situation, you need to check whether the transaction was successfully committed, and if not, to retry it. The responsibility for determining the transaction status rests with the users. It may be beneficial to create a transaction status table and update it in conjunction with other application data so that you can determine the status of a transaction from the table itself.
CommitINTERNALINTERNAL_ERRORThe operation has failed due to transient or nontransient faults. You can try retrying the transaction from the beginning, but the transaction may still fail if the cause is nontransient.
RollbackINVALID_ARGUMENTILLEGAL_ARGUMENTThe argument in the request message is invalid.
RollbackFAILED_PRECONDITIONILLEGAL_STATEThe RPC was called in an invalid state.
RollbackNOT_FOUNDTRANSACTION_NOT_FOUNDThe transaction associated with the specified transaction ID was not found. In case of a rollback, you do not need to retry the transaction because the transaction will expire automatically.
RollbackINTERNALHOP_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDThe hop limit was exceeded. In case of a rollback, you do not need to retry the transaction because the transaction will expire automatically.
RollbackINTERNALINTERNAL_ERRORThe operation has failed due to transient or nontransient faults. You can try retrying the transaction from the beginning, but the transaction may still fail if the cause is nontransient.

If you encounter an error, you should roll back the transaction, except in the case of Begin or Join. Then, you can retry the transaction from the beginning for the errors that can be resolved by retrying.

Besides the errors listed above, you may encounter errors returned by the gRPC library. In these cases, the response will not contain ErrorInfo. For details, refer to the gRPC documentation.

You can set a deadline for each RPC in gRPC. If the deadline is exceeded, you will receive a DEADLINE_EXCEEDED error. In general, you should roll back the transaction in this situation, unless the RPC is Begin, Join, or Commit. In the case of Commit, the situation is equivalent to UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION_STATUS (it is uncertain whether the transaction was successfully committed or not), and you must handle the error in the same way.

How to use the DistributedTransactionAdmin service​

The DistributedTransactionAdmin service provides the following RPCs:

  • CreateNamespace: Creates a namespace.
  • DropNamespace: Drops a namespace.
  • NamespaceExists: Returns whether the specified namespace exists or not.
  • CreateTable: Creates a table.
  • DropTable: Drops a table.
  • TruncateTable: Truncates a table.
  • TableExists: Returns whether the specified table exists or not.
  • CreateIndex: Creates an index.
  • DropIndex: Drops an index.
  • IndexExists: Returns whether the specified index exists or not.
  • RepairTable: Repairs a table.
  • AddNewColumnToTable: Adds a new column to a table.
  • CreateCoordinatorTables: Creates the coordinator tables.
  • DropCoordinatorTables: Drops the coordinator tables.
  • TruncateCoordinatorTables: Truncates the coordinator tables.
  • CoordinatorTablesExist: Returns whether the coordinator tables exist or not.
  • RepairCoordinatorTables: Repairs the coordinator tables.
  • GetTableMetadata: Returns table metadata of the specified table.
  • GetNamespaceTableNames: Returns tables in the specified namespace.

Error handling​

The table below shows the status code and the possible values of reason in ErrorInfo for all RPCs in the DistributedTransactionAdmin service:

Status codereason in ErrorInfoDescription
INVALID_ARGUMENTILLEGAL_ARGUMENTThe argument in the request message is invalid.
FAILED_PRECONDITIONILLEGAL_STATEThe RPC was called in an invalid state.
INTERNALINTERNAL_ERRORThe operation has failed.

Besides the errors listed above, you may encounter errors returned by the gRPC library. In these cases, the response will not contain ErrorInfo. For details, refer to the gRPC documentation.