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Version: 3.12

How to install Scalar products through Azure Marketplace


Scalar products are currently not available in Azure Marketplace. For details on other ways to get the container images of Scalar products, please see How to get the container images of Scalar products.

Scalar products (ScalarDB, ScalarDL, and their tools) are provided in Azure Marketplace as container offers. This guide explains how to install Scalar products through Azure Marketplace.

Note that some Scalar products are licensed under commercial licenses, and the Azure Marketplace provides them as BYOL (Bring Your Own License). Please make sure you have appropriate licenses.

Get Scalar products from Microsoft Azure Marketplace

  1. Select your Scalar product to see the links to the Microsoft Azure Marketplace.
  1. Select Get It Now.

  2. Sign in to Azure Marketplace using your work email address.
    Please use the work email address that is used as an account of Microsoft Azure.
    If you have already signed in, this step will be skipped automatically.

  3. Input your information.
    Note that Company is not required, but please enter it.

  4. Select a Software plan you need from the pull-down.
    Software plan means a combination of the container image and the license. Please select the Software plan you use.

  5. Select Continue.
    After selecting the Continue, it automatically moves to the Azure Portal.

  6. Create a private container registry (Azure Container Registry).
    Follow the on-screen instructions, please create your private container registry.
    The container images of Scalar products will be copied to your private container registry.

  7. Repeat these steps as needed.
    You need several container images to run Scalar products on Kubernetes, but Azure Marketplace copies only one container image at a time. So, you need to subscribe to several software plans (repeat subscribe operation) as needed.

    • Container images that you need are the following. Select your Scalar product to see details about the container images.
  • ScalarDB Cluster (BYOL)
  • [Deprecated] ScalarDB Server Default (2vCPU, 4GiB Memory)
  • [Deprecated] ScalarDB GraphQL Server (optional)
  • [Deprecated] ScalarDB SQL Server (optional)

Now, you can pull the container images of the Scalar products from your private container registry. Please refer to the Azure Container Registry documentation for more details about the Azure Container Registry.

Deploy containers on AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) from your private container registry using Scalar Helm Charts

  1. Specify your private container registry (Azure Container Registry) when you create an AKS cluster.

    • GUI (Azure Portal)
      At the Azure Container Registry parameter in the Integrations tab, please specify your private container registry.
    • CLI (az aks create command)
      Please specify --attach-acr flag with the name of your private container registry. Also, you can configure Azure Container Registry integration for existing AKS clusters using az aks update command with --attach-acr flag. Please refer to the Azure Official Document for more details.
  2. Update the custom values file of the Helm Chart of a Scalar product you want to install. You need to specify your private container registry as the value of [].image.repository in the custom values file. See the following examples based on the product you're using.

repository: ""
  1. Deploy the Scalar product using the Helm Chart with the above custom values file. See the following examples based on the product you're using.
helm install scalardb-cluster scalar-labs/scalardb-cluster -f scalardb-cluster-custom-values.yaml

Deploy containers on Kubernetes other than AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) from your private container registry using Scalar Helm Charts

  1. Install the az command according to the Azure Official Document (How to install the Azure CLI).

  2. Sign in with Azure CLI.

    az login
  3. Create a service principal for authentication to your private container registry according to the Azure Official Document (Azure Container Registry authentication with service principals).
    We use the Service principal ID and the Service principal password in the next step.

  4. Create a reg-acr-secrets secret resource for pulling the container images from your private container registry.

    kubectl create secret docker-registry reg-acr-secrets \
    --docker-server=<your private container registry login server> \
    --docker-username=<Service principal ID> \
    --docker-password=<Service principal password>
  5. Update the custom values file of the Helm Chart of a Scalar product you want to install. You need to specify your private container registry as the value of [].image.repository in the custom values file. Also, you need to specify the reg-acr-secrets as the value of [].imagePullSecrets. See the following examples based on the product you're using.

repository: ""
- name: "reg-acr-secrets"
  1. Deploy the Scalar product using the Helm Chart with the above custom values file.
    • Examples
      Please refer to the Deploy containers on AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) from your private container registry using Scalar Helm Charts section of this document.