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Version: 3.12

Getting Started with ASP.NET Core and Dependency Injection in the ScalarDB Cluster .NET Client SDK

The ScalarDB Cluster .NET Client SDK supports Dependency Injection in frameworks like ASP.NET Core.

After installing the same major and minor version of the SDK as ScalarDB Cluster into the .NET project, you can register the ScalarDB Cluster transaction managers as services in IServiceCollection as follows, replacing <HOSTNAME_OR_IP_ADDRESS> with the FQDN or the IP address, and <PORT> with the port number (60053 by default) of your cluster:

using ScalarDB.Net.Client.Extensions;


var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);


builder.Services.AddScalarDbCluster(options =>
options.Address = "http://<HOSTNAME_OR_IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT>";
options.HopLimit = 10;
options.EnableCrud = true; // true by default
options.EnableSql = true; // false by default
options.EnableAdmin = true; // false by default

After registering the transaction managers, they can be injected into the controller's constructor as follows:

public class OrderController: ControllerBase
private readonly IDistributedTransactionManager _manager;

public OrderController(IDistributedTransactionManager manager)
_manager = manager;

Although these examples are for WebApi projects, the examples will work in a similar way in GrpcService projects.

AddScalarDbCluster-specific options

This section describes some specific options for AddScalarDbCluster:

  • EnableCrud: Enables the transaction managers for executing CRUD operations. IDistributedTransactionManager and ITwoPhaseCommitTransactionManager will become available for injection.
  • EnableSql: Enables the transaction managers for executing SQL statements. ISqlTransactionManager and ISqlTwoPhaseCommitTransactionManager will become available for injection.
  • EnableAdmin: Enables the administrative interface. IDistributedTransactionAdmin will become available for injection.