This document explains how you can get started with the Scalar DB Data Loader Export function.


The Scalar DB Data Loader allows you to export data in the following formats:

  • JSON
  • JSONLines
  • CSV

Each export will run a Scalar DB scan operation based on the provided CLI arguments when running data loader.


The data loader export function can be started with the following minimal configuration:

./scalardb-data-loader export --config --namespace namespace --table tableName
  • –config: the path to the scalardb connection properties file
  • –namespace: the namespace of the table that contains the data
  • –table: name of the table that contains the data

By default, the data loader will create the output file in the working directory if the --output-file argument is omitted as well.

Command-line flags

Here is a list of flags (options) that can be used with the scalardb data loader.

Flag Description Usage
–config The path to the file. If omitted the tool looks for a file named in the current folder scalardb-data-loader --config
–namespace Namespace to export table data from. Required. scalardb-data-loader --namespace namespace
–table Name of table to export data from. Required. scalardb-data-loader --table tableName
–key Export data of specific Partition key. By default, it exports all data from the specified table. scalardb-data-loader --key columnName=value
–sort Specify a column to sort on. The column needs to be a clustering key. The argument can be repeated to provide multiple sortings. This flag is only applicable to --key. scalardb-data-loader --sort columnName=desc
–projection Limit the columns that are exported by providing a projection. The argument can be repeated to provide multiple projections. scalardb-data-loader --projection columnName
–start Clustering key to mark scan start. This flag is only applicable to --key. scalardb-data-loader --start columnName=value
–start-exclusive Is the scan start exclusive or not. If omitted, the default value is false. This flag is only applicable to --key scalardb-data-loader --start-exclusive
–end Clustering key to mark scan end. This flag is only applicable to --key. scalardb-data-loader --end columnName=value
–end-exclusive Is the scan start exclusive or not. If omitted, the default value is false. This flag is only applicable to --key scalardb-data-loader --end-exclusive
–limit Limit the results of the scan. If omitted, the default value is 0 which means their is no limit. scalardb-data-loader --limit 1000
–output-file The name and path of the output file. If omitted, the tool will save the file in the current folder with the following name format:
export_namespace.tableName_timestamp.json or export_namespace.tableName_timestamp.csv

The ouput folder needs to exists. The dataloader does not create the output folder for you.
scalardb-data-loader --output-file ./out/output.json
–format The output format. By default json is selected. scalardb-data-loader --format json
–metadata When set to true the transaction metadata is included in the export. By default this is set to false scalardb-data-loader --metadata
–delimiter The delimiter used in CSV files. Default value is ; scalardb-data-loader --delimiter ;
–no-headers Exclude header row in CSV file. Default is false scalardb-data-loader --no-headers
–threads Thread count for concurrent processing scalardb-data-loader --threads 500