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Version: 3.15

[Deprecated] Getting Started with Helm Charts (ScalarDB Server)


ScalarDB Server is now deprecated. Please use ScalarDB Cluster instead.

This document explains how to get started with ScalarDB Server using Helm Chart on a Kubernetes cluster as a test environment. Here, we assume that you already have a Mac or Linux environment for testing. We use Minikube in this document, but the steps we will show should work in any Kubernetes cluster.


What we create​

We will deploy the following components on a Kubernetes cluster as follows.

| [Kubernetes Cluster] |
| |
| [Pod] [Pod] [Pod] [Pod] |
| |
| +-------+ +-----------------+ |
| +---> | Envoy | ---+ +---> | ScalarDB Server | ---+ |
| | +-------+ | | +-----------------+ | |
| | | | | |
| +--------+ +---------+ | +-------+ | +-------------------+ | +-----------------+ | +------------+ |
| | Client | ---> | Service | ---+---> | Envoy | ---+---> | Service | ---+---> | ScalarDB Server | ---+---> | PostgreSQL | |
| +--------+ | (Envoy) | | +-------+ | | (ScalarDB Server) | | +-----------------+ | +------------+ |
| +---------+ | | +-------------------+ | | |
| | +-------+ | | +-----------------+ | |
| +---> | Envoy | ---+ +---> | ScalarDB Server | ---+ |
| +-------+ +-----------------+ |
| |

Step 1. Start a Kubernetes cluster​

First, you need to prepare a Kubernetes cluster. If you use a minikube environment, please refer to the Getting Started with Scalar Helm Charts. If you have already started a Kubernetes cluster, you can skip this step.

Step 2. Start a PostgreSQL container​

ScalarDB uses some kind of database system as a backend database. In this document, we use PostgreSQL.

You can deploy PostgreSQL on the Kubernetes cluster as follows.

  1. Add the Bitnami helm repository.

    helm repo add bitnami
  2. Deploy PostgreSQL.

    helm install postgresql-scalardb bitnami/postgresql \
    --set auth.postgresPassword=postgres \
    --set primary.persistence.enabled=false
  3. Check if the PostgreSQL container is running.

    kubectl get pod

    [Command execution result]

    NAME                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    postgresql-scalardb-0 1/1 Running 0 2m42s

Step 3. Deploy ScalarDB Server on the Kubernetes cluster using Helm Charts​

  1. Add the Scalar helm repository.

    helm repo add scalar-labs
  2. Create a secret resource to pull the ScalarDB container images from AWS/Azure Marketplace.

    • AWS Marketplace
      kubectl create secret docker-registry reg-ecr-mp-secrets \ \
      --docker-username=AWS \
      --docker-password=$(aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1)
    • Azure Marketplace
      kubectl create secret docker-registry reg-acr-secrets \
      --docker-server=<your private container registry login server> \
      --docker-username=<Service principal ID> \
      --docker-password=<Service principal password>

    Please refer to the following documents for more details.

  3. Create a custom values file for ScalarDB Server (scalardb-custom-values.yaml).

    • AWS Marketplace

      cat << 'EOF' > scalardb-custom-values.yaml
      repository: ""
      version: "1.3.0"
      - name: "reg-ecr-mp-secrets"

      repository: ""
      tag: "3.7.0"
      - name: "reg-ecr-mp-secrets"
      databaseProperties: |
      scalar.db.username={{ default .Env.SCALAR_DB_POSTGRES_USERNAME "" }}
      scalar.db.password={{ default .Env.SCALAR_DB_POSTGRES_PASSWORD "" }}
      secretName: "scalardb-credentials-secret"
    • Azure Marketplace

      cat << 'EOF' > scalardb-custom-values.yaml
      repository: "<your private container registry>/scalarinc/scalardb-envoy"
      version: "1.3.0"
      - name: "reg-acr-secrets"

      repository: "<your private container registry>/scalarinc/scalardb-server"
      tag: "3.7.0"
      - name: "reg-acr-secrets"
      databaseProperties: |
      scalar.db.username={{ default .Env.SCALAR_DB_POSTGRES_USERNAME "" }}
      scalar.db.password={{ default .Env.SCALAR_DB_POSTGRES_PASSWORD "" }}
      secretName: "scalardb-credentials-secret"
  4. Create a Secret resource that includes a username and password for PostgreSQL.

    kubectl create secret generic scalardb-credentials-secret \
    --from-literal=SCALAR_DB_POSTGRES_USERNAME=postgres \
  5. Deploy ScalarDB Server.

    helm install scalardb scalar-labs/scalardb -f ./scalardb-custom-values.yaml
  6. Check if the ScalarDB Server pods are deployed.

    kubectl get pod

    [Command execution result]

    NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    postgresql-scalardb-0 1/1 Running 0 9m48s
    scalardb-765598848b-75csp 1/1 Running 0 6s
    scalardb-765598848b-w864f 1/1 Running 0 6s
    scalardb-765598848b-x8rqj 1/1 Running 0 6s
    scalardb-envoy-84c475f77b-kpz2p 1/1 Running 0 6s
    scalardb-envoy-84c475f77b-n74tk 1/1 Running 0 6s
    scalardb-envoy-84c475f77b-zbrwz 1/1 Running 0 6s

    If the ScalarDB Server Pods are deployed properly, you can see the STATUS are Running.

  7. Check if the ScalarDB Server services are deployed.

    kubectl get svc

    [Command execution result]

    NAME                     TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)     AGE
    kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 47d
    postgresql-scalardb ClusterIP <none> 5432/TCP 10m
    postgresql-scalardb-hl ClusterIP None <none> 5432/TCP 10m
    scalardb-envoy ClusterIP <none> 60051/TCP 41s
    scalardb-envoy-metrics ClusterIP <none> 9001/TCP 41s
    scalardb-headless ClusterIP None <none> 60051/TCP 41s
    scalardb-metrics ClusterIP <none> 8080/TCP 41s

    If the ScalarDB Server services are deployed properly, you can see private IP addresses in the CLUSTER-IP column. (Note: scalardb-headless has no CLUSTER-IP.)

Step 4. Start a Client container​

  1. Start a Client container on the Kubernetes cluster.

    kubectl run scalardb-client --image eclipse-temurin:8-jdk --command sleep inf
  2. Check if the Client container is running.

    kubectl get pod scalardb-client

    [Command execution result]

    NAME              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    scalardb-client 1/1 Running 0 23s

Step 5. Run ScalarDB sample applications in the Client container​

The following explains the minimum steps. If you want to know more details about ScalarDB, please refer to the Getting Started with ScalarDB.

  1. Run bash in the Client container.

    kubectl exec -it scalardb-client -- bash

    After this step, run each command in the Client container.

  2. Install the git and curl commands in the Client container.

    apt update && apt install -y git curl
  3. Clone ScalarDB git repository.

    git clone
  4. Change the directory to scalardb/.

    cd scalardb/

    [Command execution result]

  5. Change branch to arbitrary version.

    git checkout -b v3.7.0 refs/tags/v3.7.0
    git branch

    [Command execution result]

    * v3.7.0

    If you want to use another version, please specify the version (tag) you want to use.

  6. Change the directory to docs/getting-started/.

    cd docs/getting-started/

    [Command execution result]

  7. Download Schema Loader from ScalarDB Releases.

    curl -OL

    You need to use the same version of ScalarDB and Schema Loader.

  8. Create a configuration file ( to access ScalarDB Server on the Kubernetes cluster.

    cat << 'EOF' >
  9. Create a JSON file (emoney-transaction.json) that defines DB Schema for the sample applications.

    cat << 'EOF' > emoney-transaction.json
    "emoney.account": {
    "transaction": true,
    "partition-key": [
    "clustering-key": [],
    "columns": {
    "id": "TEXT",
    "balance": "INT"
  10. Run Schema Loader (Create sample TABLE).

    java -jar ./scalardb-schema-loader-3.7.0.jar --config ./ -f emoney-transaction.json --coordinator
  11. Run the sample applications.

    • Charge 1000 to user1:
      ./gradlew run --args="-action charge -amount 1000 -to user1"
    • Charge 0 to merchant1 (Just create an account for merchant1):
      ./gradlew run --args="-action charge -amount 0 -to merchant1"
    • Pay 100 from user1 to merchant1:
      ./gradlew run --args="-action pay -amount 100 -from user1 -to merchant1"
    • Get the balance of user1:
      ./gradlew run --args="-action getBalance -id user1"
    • Get the balance of merchant1:
      ./gradlew run --args="-action getBalance -id merchant1"
  12. (Optional) You can see the inserted and modified (INSERT/UPDATE) data through the sample applications using the following command. (This command needs to run on your localhost, not on the Client container.)

    kubectl exec -it postgresql-scalardb-0 -- bash -c 'export PGPASSWORD=postgres && psql -U postgres -d postgres -c "SELECT * FROM emoney.account"'

    [Command execution result]

        id     | balance |                tx_id                 | tx_state | tx_version | tx_prepared_at | tx_committed_at |             before_tx_id             | before_tx_state | before_tx_version | before_tx_prepared_at | before_tx_committed_at | before_balance
    merchant1 | 100 | 65a90225-0846-4e97-b729-151f76f6ca2f | 3 | 2 | 1667361909634 |1667361909679 | 3633df99-a8ed-4301-a8b9-db1344807d7b | 3 | 1 | 1667361902466 | 1667361902485 | 0
    user1 | 900 | 65a90225-0846-4e97-b729-151f76f6ca2f | 3 | 2 | 1667361909634 |1667361909679 | 5520cba4-625a-4886-b81f-6089bf846d18 | 3 | 1 | 1667361897283 | 1667361897317 | 1000
    (2 rows)
    • Note:
      • Usually, you need to access data (records) through ScalarDB. The above command is used to explain and confirm the working of the sample applications.

Step 6. Delete all resources​

After completing the ScalarDB Server tests on the Kubernetes cluster, remove all resources.

  1. Uninstall ScalarDB Server and PostgreSQL.

    helm uninstall scalardb postgresql-scalardb
  2. Remove the Client container.

    kubectl delete pod scalardb-client --force --grace-period 0

Further reading​

You can see how to get started with monitoring or logging for Scalar products in the following documents.