Model Your Data
Data modeling (or in other words, designing your database schemas) is the process of conceptualizing and visualizing how data will be stored and used by identifying the patterns used to access data and the types of queries to be performed within business operations.
This page first explains the ScalarDB data model and then describes how to design your database schemas based on the data model.
ScalarDB data model
ScalarDB's data model is an extended key-value model inspired by the Bigtable data model. It is similar to the relational model but differs in several ways, as described below. The data model is chosen to abstract various databases, such as relational databases, NoSQL databases, and NewSQL databases.
The following diagram shows an example of ScalarDB tables, each of which is a collection of records. This section first explains what objects, such as tables and records, ScalarDB defines and then describes how to locate the records.
Objects in ScalarDB
The ScalarDB data model has several objects.
A namespace is a collection of tables analogous to an SQL namespace or database.
A table is a collection of partitions. A namespace most often contains one or more tables, each identified by a name.
A partition is a collection of records and a unit of distribution to nodes, whether logical or physical. Therefore, records within the same partition are placed in the same node. ScalarDB assumes multiple partitions are distributed by hashing.
Record / row
A record or row is a set of columns that is uniquely identifiable among all other records.
A column is a fundamental data element and does not need to be broken down any further. Each record is composed of one or more columns. Each column has a data type. For details about the data type, refer to Data-type mapping between ScalarDB and other databases.
Secondary index
A secondary index is a sorted copy of a column in a single base table. Each index entry is linked to a corresponding table partition. ScalarDB currently doesn't support multi-column indexes, so it can create indexes with only one column.
How to locate records
This section discusses how to locate records from a table.
Primary key
A primary key uniquely identifies each record; no two records can have the same primary key. Therefore, you can locate a record by specifying a primary key. A primary key comprises a partition key and, optionally, a clustering key.
Partition key
A partition key uniquely identifies a partition. A partition key comprises a set of columns, which are called partition key columns. When you specify only a partition key, you can get a set of records that belong to the partition.
Clustering key
A clustering key uniquely identifies a record within a partition. It comprises a set of columns called clustering-key columns. When you want to specify a clustering key, you should specify a partition key for efficient lookups. When you specify a clustering key without a partition key, you end up scanning all the partitions. Scanning all the partitions is time consuming, especially when the amount of data is large, so only do so at your own discretion.
Records within a partition are assumed to be sorted by clustering-key columns, specified as a clustering order. Therefore, you can specify a part of clustering-key columns in the defined order to narrow down the results to be returned.
Index key
An index key identifies records by looking up the key in indexes. An index key lookup spans all the partitions, so it is not necessarily efficient, especially if the selectivity of a lookup is not low.
How to design your database schemas
You can design your database schemas similarly to the relational model, but there is a basic principle and are a few best practices to follow.
Query-driven data modeling
In relational databases, data is organized in normalized tables with foreign keys used to reference related data in other tables. The queries that the application will make are structured by the tables, and the related data is queried as table joins.
Although ScalarDB supports join operations in ScalarDB SQL, data modeling should be more query-driven, like NoSQL databases. The data access patterns and application queries should determine the structure and organization of tables.