バージョン: 3.4 (サポートされていない)

Getting Started with ScalarDB on Cosmos DB


This document briefly explains how you can get started with ScalarDB on Cosmos DB with a simple electronic money application.

Install prerequisites

ScalarDB is written in Java. So the following software is required to run it.

  • Oracle JDK 8 (OpenJDK 8) or higher
  • Other libraries used from the above are automatically installed through gradle

Cosmos DB setup

You also need to set up a Cosmos DB account to get started with ScalarDB on Cosmos DB.

This section explains how to set up Azure Cosmos DB with Azure portal.

  1. Select Azure Cosmos DB service from the services on Azure portal.
  2. Select Add
  3. On the Create Azure Cosmos DB Account page, enter the basic settings for the new Azure Cosmos DB account.
    • Create new or choose the existing Resource Group
    • Enter the Cosmos DB Account Name
    • Choose API as Core (SQL)
    • Choose Location
    • Select Review + create. You can skip the Network and Tags sections.
    • Review the account settings, and then select Create.
    • Wait some time for Azure Cosmos DB account creation.
  4. Select Go to resource to go to the Azure Cosmos DB account page.
  5. Select Default consistency from the left navigation on your Azure Cosmos DB account page.
    • Change Consistency Level from SESSION to STRONG.
    • Select Save

From here, we assume Oracle JDK 8 is properly installed in your local environment and the Azure Cosmos DB account is properly configured in Azure.

Configure ScalarDB

The scalardb.properties (getting-started/scalardb.properties) file holds the configuration for ScalarDB. You need to update contact_points and password with your Cosmos DB account URI and the account's password respectively, and storage with cosmos.

# Comma separated contact points

# Port number for all the contact points. Default port number for each database is used if empty.

# Credential information to access the database

# Storage implementation. Either cassandra or cosmos or dynamo or jdbc can be set. Default storage is cassandra.

Note that you can use a primary key or a secondary key for <COSMOS_DB_KEY>.

Please follow Getting Started with ScalarDB to run the application.