バージョン: 3.4 (サポートされていない)

Getting Started with ScalarDB on DynamoDB


This document briefly explains how you can get started with ScalarDB on DynamoDB with a simple electronic money application.

Install prerequisites

ScalarDB is written in Java. So the following software is required to run it.

  • Oracle JDK 8 (OpenJDK 8) or higher
  • Other libraries used from the above are automatically installed through gradle

From here, we assume Oracle JDK 8 is properly installed in your local environment.

Configure ScalarDB

The scalardb.properties (getting-started/scalardb.properties) file holds the configuration for ScalarDB. You need to update contact_points with AWS region, username with your AWS access key id, password with your AWS access secret key and storage with dynamo.

# Comma separated contact points

# Port number for all the contact points. Default port number for each database is used if empty.

# Credential information to access the database

# Storage implementation. Either cassandra or cosmos or dynamo or jdbc can be set. Default storage is cassandra.

Please follow Getting Started with ScalarDB to run the application.