バージョン: 3.5 (サポートされていない)

How to deploy Scalar Manager

This document explains how to deploy Scalar Manager using Scalar Helm Charts. You must prepare your custom values file. Please refer to the following document for more details on the custom values file for Scalar Manager.

Deploy kube-prometheus-stack and loki-stack

When you use Scalar Manager, you must deploy kube-prometheus-stack and loki-stack. Please refer to the following documents for more details on how to deploy them.

When you deploy kube-prometheus-stack, you must set the following configuration in the custom values file for kube-prometheus-stack.

allow_embedding: true
cookie_samesite: disabled

If you already have a deployment of kube-prometheus-stack, please upgrade the configuration using the following command.

helm upgrade <RELEASE_NAME> prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -n <NAMESPACE> -f /<PATH_TO_YOUR_CUSTOM_VALUES_FILE_FOR_KUBE_PROMETHEUS_STACK> --version <CHART_VERSION>

Deploy Scalar Manager

helm install <RELEASE_NAME> scalar-labs/scalar-manager -n <NAMESPACE> -f /<PATH_TO_YOUR_CUSTOM_VALUES_FILE_FOR_SCALAR_MANAGER> --version <CHART_VERSION>

Upgrade the deployment of Scalar Manager

helm upgrade <RELEASE_NAME> scalar-labs/scalar-manager -n <NAMESPACE> -f /<PATH_TO_YOUR_CUSTOM_VALUES_FILE_FOR_SCALAR_MANAGER> --version <CHART_VERSION>

Delete the deployment of Scalar Manager

helm uninstall <RELEASE_NAME> -n <NAMESPACE>