ScalarDB SQL Command Line Interface
Like other SQL databases, ScalarDB SQL also provides a command-line interface tool where you can issue SQLs interactively in a command-line shell.
This document explains how to install and use the ScalarDB SQL Command Line Interface.
We have Docker images in our repository and executable jars available in releases.
If you are interested in building from source, run the following command:
$ ./gradlew cli:shadowjar
The executable jar (scalardb-sql-cli-<version>-all.jar
) is created in cli/build/libs/
From Docker
You can start the command line interface with docker as follows:
$ docker pull<version>
$ docker run --rm -it -v <your local configuration file>:/<version> --config /
You can use the same configuration of ScalarDB SQL. Please refer to ScalarDB SQL Configurations for more details on the configurations of this tool.