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Version: 3.15

ScalarDB Cluster Configurations

This document describes the configurations for ScalarDB Cluster. ScalarDB Cluster consists of multiple cluster nodes, and you need to configure each cluster node.

Basic configurations​

The basic configurations for a cluster node are as follows:

scalar.db.cluster.membership.typeMembership type. Currently, only KUBERNETES can be specified.KUBERNETES
scalar.db.cluster.membership.kubernetes.endpoint.namespace_nameThis configuration is for the KUBERNETES membership type. Namespace name for the endpoint resource.default
scalar.db.cluster.membership.kubernetes.endpoint.nameThis configuration is for the KUBERNETES membership type. Name of the endpoint resource to get the membership info.
scalar.db.cluster.node.decommissioning_duration_secsDecommissioning duration in seconds.30
scalar.db.cluster.node.grpc.max_inbound_message_sizeMaximum message size allowed to be received.The gRPC default value
scalar.db.cluster.node.grpc.max_inbound_metadata_sizeMaximum size of metadata allowed to be received.The gRPC default value
scalar.db.cluster.node.portPort number of the ScalarDB Cluster node.60053
scalar.db.cluster.node.prometheus_exporter_portPort number of the Prometheus exporter.9080
scalar.db.cluster.grpc.deadline_duration_millisDeadline duration for gRPC in milliseconds.60000 (60 seconds)
scalar.db.cluster.node.standalone_mode.enabledWhether standalone mode is enabled. Note that if standalone mode is enabled, the membership configurations (scalar.db.cluster.membership.*) will be ignored.false
scalar.db.metadata.cache_expiration_time_secsScalarDB has a metadata cache to reduce the number of requests to the database. This setting specifies the expiration time of the cache in seconds. If you specify -1, the cache will never expire.60
scalar.db.active_transaction_management.expiration_time_millisScalarDB Cluster nodes maintain ongoing transactions, which can be resumed by using a transaction ID. This configuration specifies the expiration time of this transaction management feature in milliseconds.60000 (60 seconds)
scalar.db.system_namespace_nameThe given namespace name will be used by ScalarDB internally.scalardb

Transaction manager configurations​

This section describes the configurations for the transaction manager. ScalarDB provides ways to run transactions by using Consensus Commit and to run non-transactional storage operations.

Run transactions by using Consensus Commit​

ScalarDB provides its own transaction protocol called Consensus Commit, which is the default transaction manager type in ScalarDB. To use the Consensus Commit transaction manager, add the following to the ScalarDB properties file:


If you don't specify the scalar.db.transaction_manager property, consensus-commit will be the default value.

Basic configurations​

The following basic configurations are available for the Consensus Commit transaction manager:

scalar.db.transaction_managerconsensus-commit should be specified.-
scalar.db.consensus_commit.isolation_levelIsolation level used for Consensus Commit. Either SNAPSHOT or SERIALIZABLE can be specified.SNAPSHOT
scalar.db.consensus_commit.serializable_strategySerializable strategy used for Consensus Commit. Either EXTRA_READ or EXTRA_WRITE can be specified. If SNAPSHOT is specified in the property scalar.db.consensus_commit.isolation_level, this configuration will be ignored.EXTRA_READ
scalar.db.consensus_commit.coordinator.namespaceNamespace name of Coordinator tables.coordinator
scalar.db.consensus_commit.include_metadata.enabledIf set to true, Get and Scan operations results will contain transaction metadata. To see the transaction metadata columns details for a given table, you can use the DistributedTransactionAdmin.getTableMetadata() method, which will return the table metadata augmented with the transaction metadata columns. Using this configuration can be useful to investigate transaction-related issues.false

The following performance-related configurations are available for the Consensus Commit transaction manager:

scalar.db.consensus_commit.parallel_executor_countNumber of executors (threads) for parallel execution.128
scalar.db.consensus_commit.parallel_preparation.enabledWhether or not the preparation phase is executed in parallel.true
scalar.db.consensus_commit.parallel_validation.enabledWhether or not the validation phase (in EXTRA_READ) is executed in parallel.The value of scalar.db.consensus_commit.parallel_commit.enabled
scalar.db.consensus_commit.parallel_commit.enabledWhether or not the commit phase is executed in parallel.true
scalar.db.consensus_commit.parallel_rollback.enabledWhether or not the rollback phase is executed in parallel.The value of scalar.db.consensus_commit.parallel_commit.enabled
scalar.db.consensus_commit.async_commit.enabledWhether or not the commit phase is executed asynchronously.false
scalar.db.consensus_commit.async_rollback.enabledWhether or not the rollback phase is executed asynchronously.The value of scalar.db.consensus_commit.async_commit.enabled
scalar.db.consensus_commit.parallel_implicit_pre_read.enabledWhether or not implicit pre-read is executed in parallel.true
scalar.db.consensus_commit.coordinator.group_commit.enabledWhether or not committing the transaction state is executed in batch mode. This feature can't be used with a two-phase commit interface.false
scalar.db.consensus_commit.coordinator.group_commit.slot_capacityMaximum number of slots in a group for the group commit feature. A large value improves the efficiency of group commit, but may also increase latency and the likelihood of transaction conflicts.[^1]20
scalar.db.consensus_commit.coordinator.group_commit.group_size_fix_timeout_millisTimeout to fix the size of slots in a group. A large value improves the efficiency of group commit, but may also increase latency and the likelihood of transaction conflicts.[^1]40
scalar.db.consensus_commit.coordinator.group_commit.delayed_slot_move_timeout_millisTimeout to move delayed slots from a group to another isolated group to prevent the original group from being affected by delayed transactions. A large value improves the efficiency of group commit, but may also increase the latency and the likelihood of transaction conflicts.[^1]1200
scalar.db.consensus_commit.coordinator.group_commit.old_group_abort_timeout_millisTimeout to abort an old ongoing group. A small value reduces resource consumption through aggressive aborts, but may also increase the likelihood of unnecessary aborts for long-running transactions.60000
scalar.db.consensus_commit.coordinator.group_commit.timeout_check_interval_millisInterval for checking the group commit–related timeouts.20
scalar.db.consensus_commit.coordinator.group_commit.metrics_monitor_log_enabledWhether or not the metrics of the group commit are logged periodically.false

Underlying storage or database configurations​

Consensus Commit has a storage abstraction layer and supports multiple underlying storages. You can specify the storage implementation by using the property.

Select a database to see the configurations available for each storage.

The following configurations are available for JDBC databases:

scalar.db.storagejdbc must be specified.-
scalar.db.contact_pointsJDBC connection URL.
scalar.db.usernameUsername to access the database.
scalar.db.passwordPassword to access the database.
scalar.db.jdbc.connection_pool.min_idleMinimum number of idle connections in the connection pool.20
scalar.db.jdbc.connection_pool.max_idleMaximum number of connections that can remain idle in the connection pool.50
scalar.db.jdbc.connection_pool.max_totalMaximum total number of idle and borrowed connections that can be active at the same time for the connection pool. Use a negative value for no limit.100
scalar.db.jdbc.prepared_statements_pool.enabledSetting this property to true enables prepared-statement pooling.false
scalar.db.jdbc.prepared_statements_pool.max_openMaximum number of open statements that can be allocated from the statement pool at the same time. Use a negative value for no limit.-1
scalar.db.jdbc.isolation_levelIsolation level for JDBC. READ_UNCOMMITTED, READ_COMMITTED, REPEATABLE_READ, or SERIALIZABLE can be specified.Underlying-database specific
scalar.db.jdbc.table_metadata.connection_pool.min_idleMinimum number of idle connections in the connection pool for the table metadata.5
scalar.db.jdbc.table_metadata.connection_pool.max_idleMaximum number of connections that can remain idle in the connection pool for the table metadata.10
scalar.db.jdbc.table_metadata.connection_pool.max_totalMaximum total number of idle and borrowed connections that can be active at the same time for the connection pool for the table metadata. Use a negative value for no limit.25
scalar.db.jdbc.admin.connection_pool.min_idleMinimum number of idle connections in the connection pool for admin.5
scalar.db.jdbc.admin.connection_pool.max_idleMaximum number of connections that can remain idle in the connection pool for admin.10
scalar.db.jdbc.admin.connection_pool.max_totalMaximum total number of idle and borrowed connections that can be active at the same time for the connection pool for admin. Use a negative value for no limit.25

If you're using SQLite3 as a JDBC database, you must set scalar.db.contact_points as follows:


Unlike other JDBC databases, SQLite3 doesn't fully support concurrent access. To avoid frequent errors caused internally by SQLITE_BUSY, we recommend setting a busy_timeout parameter.

Multi-storage support​

ScalarDB supports using multiple storage implementations simultaneously. You can use multiple storages by specifying multi-storage as the value for the property.

For details about using multiple storages, see Multi-Storage Transactions.

Cross-partition scan configurations​

By enabling the cross-partition scan option as described below, the Scan operation can retrieve all records across partitions. In addition, you can specify arbitrary conditions and orderings in the cross-partition Scan operation by enabling cross_partition_scan.filtering and cross_partition_scan.ordering, respectively. Currently, the cross-partition scan with ordering option is available only for JDBC databases. To enable filtering and ordering, scalar.db.cross_partition_scan.enabled must be set to true.

For details on how to use cross-partition scan, see Scan operation.


For non-JDBC databases, we do not recommend enabling cross-partition scan with the SERIALIAZABLE isolation level because transactions could be executed at a lower isolation level (that is, SNAPSHOT). When using non-JDBC databases, use cross-partition scan at your own risk only if consistency does not matter for your transactions.

scalar.db.cross_partition_scan.enabledEnable cross-partition scan.false
scalar.db.cross_partition_scan.filtering.enabledEnable filtering in cross-partition scan.false
scalar.db.cross_partition_scan.ordering.enabledEnable ordering in cross-partition scan.false

Run non-transactional storage operations​

To run non-transactional storage operations, you need to configure the scalar.db.transaction_manager property to single-crud-operation:


Also, you need to configure the underlying storage or database as described in Underlying storage or database configurations.

ScalarDB Cluster GraphQL Configurations​

The configurations for ScalarDB Cluster GraphQL are as follows:

scalar.db.graphql.enabledWhether ScalarDB Cluster GraphQL is enabled.false
scalar.db.graphql.portPort number of the GraphQL server.8080
scalar.db.graphql.pathPath component of the URL of the GraphQL endpoint./graphql
scalar.db.graphql.namespacesComma-separated list of namespaces of tables for which the GraphQL server generates a schema. Note that at least one namespace is required.
scalar.db.graphql.graphiqlWhether the GraphQL server serves GraphiQL IDE.true
scalar.db.graphql.schema_checking_interval_millisInterval in milliseconds at which GraphQL server will rebuild the GraphQL schema if any change is detected in the ScalarDB schema.30000 (30 seconds)

Creating or modifying the ScalarDB schema when the server is running​

Since the GraphQL schema is statically built at server startup, if the ScalarDB schema is modified (for example, if a table is added, altered, or deleted), then the corresponding GraphQL schema won't reflect the changes unless it is rebuilt. To address this, the GraphQL server provides two mechanisms: a periodic check and an on-demand check.

Run periodic checks​

The server periodically checks if changes in the ScalarDB schema occur and rebuilds the corresponding GraphQL schema if necessary. By default, the check occurs every 30 seconds, but the interval can be configured by using the scalar.db.graphql.schema_checking_interval_millis property.

If you don't need to run periodic checks, you can disable it by setting the property value to -1.

Run on-demand checks​

You can also request the server to check changes in the ScalarDB schema and rebuild the corresponding GraphQL schema if necessary by performing a POST request to the /update-graphql-schema endpoint of the HTTP API.

For example, if the HTTP API is running on localhost:8080 and the scalar.db.graphql.path property is set to /graphql, this endpoint can be called by running the following command:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/graphql/update-graphql-schema

ScalarDB Cluster SQL Configurations​

The configurations for ScalarDB Cluster SQL are as follows:

scalar.db.sql.enabledWhether ScalarDB Cluster SQL is enabled.false
scalar.db.sql.statement_cache.enabledEnable the statement cache.false
scalar.db.sql.statement_cache.sizeMaximum number of cached statements.100
scalar.db.sql.default_transaction_modeDefault transaction mode. TRANSACTION or TWO_PHASE_COMMIT_TRANSACTION can be set.TRANSACTION
scalar.db.sql.default_namespace_nameDefault namespace name. If you don't specify a namespace name in your SQL statement, this value is used.