Guide of Spring Data JDBC for ScalarDB
Directly using the ScalarDB API may be difficult because you need to write a lot of code and consider how and when to call the APIs (e.g., rollback()
and commit()
) for transactions. Since we assume most ScalarDB users develop their applications in Java, you can take advantage of the Spring Framework, which is one of the most popular application frameworks for developing in Java. By using Spring Data JDBC for ScalarDB, you can streamline development by using a familiar framework.
The usage of Spring Data JDBC for ScalarDB basically follows Spring Data JDBC - Reference Documentation. This guide describes several important topics to use Spring Data JDBC for ScalarDB and its limitations.
Add Spring Data JDBC for ScalarDB to your project
To add the dependencies on Spring Data JDBC for ScalarDB by using Gradle, use the following, replacing <VERSION>
with the versions of Spring Data JDBC for ScalarDB and the related library, respectively, that you are using:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.scalar-labs:scalardb-sql-spring-data:<VERSION>'
implementation 'com.scalar-labs:scalardb-cluster-java-client-sdk:<VERSION>'
To add the dependencies by using Maven, use the following, replacing ...
with the version of Spring Data JDBC for ScalarDB that you are using:
Spring Data JDBC for ScalarDB is supposed to be used as a part of Spring application. The following properties are needed at least.
This needs to be set to fixed value com.scalar.db.sql.jdbc.SqlJdbcDriver
This value follows the ScalarDB JDBC connection URL configuration. For more information, see ScalarDB JDBC Guide and ScalarDB Cluster SQL client configurations.
annotation is needed on the JVM application to use Spring Data JDBC for ScalarDB as follows.
public class MyApplication {
// These repositories are described in the next section in details
@Autowired private GroupRepository groupRepository;
@Autowired private UserRepository userRepository;
Persistent entity model
The users of Spring Data JDBC for ScalarDB needs to write classes for object mapping to ScalarDB tables. How to write those classes are written in Persisting Entities, so this section describes some limitations on the integration.
These are example model classes:
// This model class corresponds to the following table schema:
// create table my_app_ns.user (id bigint, group_id bigint, name text, primary key (id));
// -- UserRepository can use `name` column as a condition in SELECT statement
// -- as the column is a ScalarDB secondary index.
// create index on my_app_ns.user (name);
// Set `schema` parameter in @Table annotation if you don't use `scalar.db.sql.default_namespace_name` property.
// Spring Data automatically decides the target table name based on a model class name.
// You can also specify a table name by setting `value` parameter.
// @Table(schema = "my_app_ns", value = "user")
public class User {
public final Long id;
public final Long groupId;
// Spring Data automatically decides the target column name based on an instance variable name.
// You can also specify a column name by setting `value` parameter in @Column annotation.
// @Column("name")
public final String name;
public User(Long id, Long groupId, String name) { = id;
this.groupId = groupId; = name;
// This model class corresponds to the following table schema:
// create table (account_id int, group_type int, balance int, primary key (account_id, group_type));
public class Group {
// This column `account_id` is a part of PRIMARY KEY in ScalarDB SQL
// Spring Data JDBC always requires a single @Id annotation while it doesn't allow multiple @Id annotations.
// The corresponding ScalarDB SQL table `group` has a primary key consisting of multiple columns.
// So, Spring Data @Id annotation can't be used in this case, but @Id annotation must be put on any instance variable
// (@Id annotation can be put on `balance` as well.)
public final Integer accountId;
// This column `group_type` is also a part of PRIMARY KEY in ScalarDB SQL
public final Integer groupType;
public final Integer balance;
public Group(Integer accountId, Integer groupType, Integer balance) {
this.accountId = accountId;
this.groupType = groupType;
this.balance = balance;
This sample implementation can be used as a reference as well.
public interface UserRepository extends ScalarDbRepository<User, Long> {
// `insert()` and `update()` are automatically enabled with `ScalarDbRepository` (or `ScalarDbTwoPcRepository`).
// Many APIs of `CrudRepository` and `PagingAndSortingRepository` are automatically enabled.
// Also, you can prepare complicated APIs with the combination of the method naming conventions.
// These APIs use the ScalarDB secondary index
List<User> findByName(String name);
List<User> findTop2ByName(String name);
// Current ScalarDB SQL doesn't support range scan or order using secondary indexes
// List<User> findByNameBetween(String name);
// List<User> findByGroupIdOrderByName(long groupId);
default void reverseName(long id) {
Optional<User> model = findById(id);
if (model.isPresent()) {
User existing = model.get();
User updated =
new User(,
default void deleteAfterSelect(long id) {
Optional<User> existing = findById(id);
public interface GroupRepository extends ScalarDbRepository<Group, Long> {
// @Id annotation is put only on Group.accountId, but ScalarDB SQL expects the combination of
// `account_id` and `group_type` columns as the table uses them as a primary key. So `findById()` can't be used.
Optional<Group> findFirstByAccountIdAndGroupType(int accountId, int groupType);
List<Group> findByAccountIdAndGroupTypeBetweenOrderByGroupTypeDesc(
int accountId, int groupTypeFrom, int groupTypeTo);
List<Group> findTop2ByAccountIdAndGroupTypeBetween(
int accountId, int groupTypeFrom, int groupTypeTo);
// `update()` method also depends on @Id annotation as well as `findById()`,
// so users need to write ScalarDB SQL in @Query annotation.
"UPDATE \"my_app_ns\".\"group\" SET \"balance\" = :balance \n"
+ " WHERE \"my_app_ns\".\"group\".\"account_id\" = :accountId \n"
+ " AND \"my_app_ns\".\"group\".\"group_type\" = :groupType \n")
int updateWithAttributes(
@Param("accountId") int accountId,
@Param("groupType") int groupType,
@Param("balance") int balance);
default void incrementBalance(int accountId, int groupType, int value) {
Optional<Group> model = findFirstByAccountIdAndGroupType(accountId, groupType);
found ->
found.accountId, found.groupType, found.balance + value));
default void transfer(
int accountIdFrom, int groupTypeFrom, int accountIdTo, int groupTypeTo, int value) {
incrementBalance(accountIdFrom, groupTypeFrom, -value);
incrementBalance(accountIdTo, groupTypeTo, value);
// This method name and signature results in issuing an unexpected SELECT statement and
// results in query failure. It looks a bug of Spring Data...
// void deleteByAccountIdAndGroupType(int accountId, int groupType);
"DELETE FROM \"my_app_ns\".\"group\" \n"
+ " WHERE \"my_app_ns\".\"group\".\"account_id\" = :accountId \n"
+ " AND \"my_app_ns\".\"group\".\"group_type\" = :groupType \n")
int deleteByAccountIdAndGroupType(
@Param("accountId") int accountId, @Param("groupType") int groupType);
default void deleteByAccountIdAndGroupTypeAfterSelect(int accountId, int groupType) {
Optional<Group> entity = findFirstByAccountIdAndGroupType(accountId, groupType);
entity.ifPresent(found -> deleteByAccountIdAndGroupType(accountId, groupType));
This sample implementation can be used as a reference as well.
Error handling
Spring Data JDBC for ScalarDB can throw the following exceptions.
- com.scalar.db.sql.springdata.exception.ScalarDbTransientException
- This is thrown when a transaction fails due to a transient error
- The transaction should be retried
- This is a subclass of
and catching the superclass is safer to handle other type of transient errors thrown from Spring Data
- com.scalar.db.sql.springdata.exception.ScalarDbNonTransientException
- This is thrown when a transaction fails due to a non-transient error
- The transaction should not be retried
- This is a subclass of
and catching the superclass is safer to handle other type of non-transient errors thrown from Spring Data
- com.scalar.db.sql.springdata.exception.ScalarDbUnknownTransactionStateException
- This is a subclass of
and the transaction should not be retried as well - This is thrown when a transaction commit fails and the final state is unknown
- Whether the transaction is actually committed or not needs to be decided by the application side (e.g. check if the target record is expectedly updated)
- This is a subclass of
These exceptions include the transaction ID, which can be useful for troubleshooting purposes.
Multiple column PRIMARY KEY
As you see in the above example, Spring Data JDBC's @Id
annotation doesn't support multiple columns. So, if a table has a primary key consisting of multiple columns, users can't use the following APIs and may need to write Scalar SQL DB query in @Query
update(T entity)
delete(T entity)
deleteById(ID id)
deleteAllById(Iterable<? extends ID> ids)
One-to-many relationships between two entities
Spring Data JDBC supports one-to-many relationships. But it implicitly deletes and re-creates all the associated child records even if only parent's attributes are changed. This behavior would result in a performance penalty. Additionally, certain use cases of the one-to-many relationship in Spring Data JDBC for ScalarDB fail because of the combination with some limitations of ScalarDB SQL. Considering those concerns and limitations, it's not recommended to use the feature in Spring Data JDBC for ScalarDB.
For instance, assuming a Bank record contains many Account records, the following implementation fails when calling BankRepository#update()
@Autowired BankRepository bankRepository;
bankRepository.insert(new Bank(42, "My bank", ImmutableSet.of(
new Account(1, "Alice"),
new Account(2, "Bob"),
new Account(3, "Carol")
Bank bank = bankRepository.findById(42).get();
System.out.printf("Bank: " + bank);
// Fails here as `DELETE FROM "account" WHERE "account"."bank_id" = ?` is implicitly issued by Spring Data JDBC
// while ScalarDB SQL doesn't support DELETE with a secondary index
// (Spring Data JDBC's custom query might avoid these limitations)
bankRepository.update(new Bank(bank.bankId, + " 2", bank.accounts));
Advanced features
Multi-storage transaction
ScalarDB supports Multi-storage Transaction, and users can use the feature via Spring Data JDBC for ScalarDB. The following needs to be configured to use the feature.
Here is a sample datasource URL assuming there are two namespaces "north" and "south" that manage data with MySQL and PostgreSQL respectively.
@Table annotation on model classes
parameter: multi-storage mapping key name (scalar.db.multi_storage.namespace_mapping
parameter: actual table name
@Table(schema = "north", value = "account")
public class NorthAccount {
Retry with Spring Retry
Spring Data JDBC for ScalarDB could throw exceptions when concurrent transactions conflict. Users need to take care of those exceptions by retrying the operations. Spring Retry provides some functionalities for retry. Also in Spring Data JDBC for ScalarDB, Spring Retry would be helpful to make retry handling simpler and easier. This section introduces how to use Spring Retry.
The following dependencies need to be added to your project.
dependencies {
implementation "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter:${springBootVersion}"
implementation "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-aop:${springBootVersion}"
implementation "org.springframework.retry:spring-retry:${springRetryVersion}"