Getting Started with Helm Charts (Scalar Manager)
Scalar Manager is a web-based dashboard that allows users to:
- check the health of the Scalar products
- pause and unpause the Scalar products to backup or restore underlying databases
- check the metrics and logs of the Scalar products through Grafana dashboards
The users can pause or unpause Scalar products through Scalar Manager to backup or restore the underlying databases.
Scalar Manager also embeds Grafana explorers by which the users can review the metrics or logs of the Scalar products.
This guide assumes that the users are aware of how to deploy Scalar products with the monitoring and logging tools to a Kubernetes cluster. If not, please start with Getting Started with Scalar Helm Charts before this guide.
- You need privileges to pull the Scalar Manager container (
) from GitHub Packages. - You must create a Github Personal Access Token (PAT) with
scope according to the GitHub document to pull the above container.
What we create
We will deploy the following components on a Kubernetes cluster as follows.
| +----------------------+ |
| | scalar-manager | |
| | | |
| | +------------------+ | --------------------------(Manage)--------------------------+ |
| | | Scalar Manager | | | |
| | +------------------+ | | |
| +--+-------------------+ | |
| | | |
| +------------------------------------+ | |
| | loki-stack | V |
| | | +-----------------+ |
| | +--------------+ +--------------+ | <----------------(Log)--------------- | Scalar Products | |
| | | Loki | | Promtail | | | | |
| | +--------------+ +--------------+ | | +-----------+ | |
| +------------------------------------+ | | ScalarDB | | |
| | | +-----------+ | |
| +------------------------------------------------------+ | | |
| | kube-prometheus-stack | | +-----------+ | |
| | | | | ScalarDL | | |
| | +--------------+ +--------------+ +--------------+ | -----(Monitor)----> | +-----------+ | |
| | | Prometheus | | Alertmanager | | Grafana | | +-----------------+ |
| | +-------+------+ +------+-------+ +------+-------+ | |
| | | | | | |
| | +----------------+-----------------+ | |
| | | | |
| +--------------------------+---------------------------+ |
| | | |
| | | Kubernetes |
| |
expose to localhost ( or use load balancer etc to access
| |
(Access Dashboard through HTTP)
| |
+----+----+ +----+----+
| Browser | <-(Embed)-- + Browser |
+---------+ +---------+
Step 1. Upgrade the kube-prometheus-stack
to allow Grafana to be embedded
Add or revise this value to the custom values file (e.g. scalar-prometheus-custom-values.yaml) of the
allow_embedding: true
cookie_samesite: disabled -
Upgrade the Helm installation
helm upgrade scalar-monitoring prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -n monitoring -f scalar-prometheus-custom-values.yaml
Step 2. Prepare a custom values file for Scalar Manager
Get the sample file scalar-manager-custom-values.yaml for
. -
Add the targets that you would like to manage. For example, if we want to manage a ledger cluster, then we can add the values as follows.
- name: my-ledgers-cluster
adminSrv: _scalardl-admin._tcp.scalardl-headless.default.svc.cluster.local
databaseType: cassandraNote: the
is the DNS Service URL that returns SRV record of pods. Kubernetes creates this URL for the named port of the headless service of the Scalar product. The format is_{port name}._{protocol}.{service name}.{namespace}.svc.{cluster domain name}
Set the Grafana URL. For example, if your Grafana of the
is exposed inlocalhost:3000
, then we can set it as follows.scalarManager:
grafanaUrl: "http://localhost:3000" -
Set the refresh interval that Scalar Manager checks the status of the products. The default value is
seconds, but we can change it like:scalarManager:
refreshInterval: 60 # one minute -
Set the service type to access Scalar Manager. The default value is
, but if we access using theminikube tunnel
command or some load balancer, we can set it asLoadBalancer
type: LoadBalancer
Step 3. Deploy scalar-manager
Create a secret resource
to pull the Scalar Manager container image from GitHub Packages.kubectl create secret docker-registry reg-docker-secrets --docker-username=<github-username> --docker-password=<github-personal-access-token>
Deploy the
Helm Chart.helm install scalar-manager scalar-labs/scalar-manager -f scalar-manager-custom-values.yaml
Step 4. Access Scalar Manager
If you use minikube
To expose Scalar Manager's service resource as your
localhost (
, open another terminal, and run theminikube tunnel
command.minikube tunnel
Open the browser with URL