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Version: 3.15

ScalarDB Cluster .NET Client SDK Reference

This reference provides details on how the ScalarDB Cluster .NET Client SDK works.

Client configuration​

The client can be configured by using the following:

  • A settings file, like appsettings.json or a custom JSON file
  • Environment variables
  • The ScalarDbOptions object

If you use the SDK with ASP.NET Core, you can configure an app in more ways. For details, see Configuration in ASP.NET Core.

For a list of options that you can configure, see Available options.

Using a settings file​

The SDK supports both the standard appsettings.json and custom JSON setting files. To configure the client in a JSON file, add the ScalarDbOptions section and configure the options that you need. For example:

"ScalarDbOptions": {
"Address": "http://localhost:60053",
"HopLimit": 10

Then, create a configured TransactionFactory object as follows:

// If appsettings.json is used, call the Create() method without parameters.
var factory = TransactionFactory.Create();

// Or, if a custom file is used, call the Create() method that is passed in the path to the custom file as a parameter.
factory = TransactionFactory.Create("scalardb-options.json");

If you use the SDK with ASP.NET Core, the settings from appsettings.json will be applied automatically when the registered transaction managers and/or ScalarDbContext are created. If you want to use a custom JSON file, add it to the configuration framework as follows:

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

// ...


Because the custom JSON file is applied after all standard configuration providers, the values from the custom file will override values from other sources.

Using environment variables​

To configure the client to use environment variables, you can use the prefix ScalarDbOptions__. For example:

export ScalarDbOptions__Address="http://localhost:60053"
export ScalarDbOptions__HopLimit=10

Values from environment variables will override values from settings files.

Using the ScalarDbOptions object​

You can configure the client at runtime by using the ScalarDbOptions object as follows:

var options = new ScalarDbOptions()
Address = "http://localhost:60053",
HopLimit = 10

var factory = TransactionFactory.Create(options);

You can also initialize the ScalarDbOptions object with values from JSON files and/or environment variables, and then set any remaining values at runtime as follows:

// If appsettings.json is used, call the Load() method without parameters.
var options = ScalarDbOptions.Load();

// Or, if a custom file is used, call the Load() method that is passed in the path to the custom file as a parameter.
options = ScalarDbOptions.Load("scalardb-options.json");

options.HopLimit = 10;

var factory = TransactionFactory.Create(options);

If you use the SDK with ASP.NET Core, a lambda function of AddScalarDb and/or AddScalarDbContext can be used as follows:

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);


builder.Services.AddScalarDb(options =>
options.Address = "http://localhost:60053";
options.HopLimit = 10;

builder.Services.AddScalarDbContext<MyDbContext>(options =>
options.Address = "http://localhost:60053";
options.HopLimit = 10;

By using this configuration, the ScalarDbOptions object that is passed to the lambda function (named options in the example above) is initialized with values from the JSON files, environment variables, and other sources.

Available options​

The following options are available:

AddressRequired: Address of the cluster in the following format: <PROTOCOL>://<HOSTNAME_OR_IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT>. <PROTOCOL>: https if wire encryption (TLS) is enabled; http otherwise. <HOSTNAME_OR_IP_ADDRESS>: The FQDN or the IP address of the cluster. <PORT>: The port number (60053 by default) of the cluster.-
HopLimitNumber of hops for a request to the cluster. The purpose of HopLimit is to prevent infinite loops within the cluster. Each time a request is forwarded to another cluster node, HopLimit decreases by one. If HopLimit reaches zero, the request will be rejected.3
RetryCountHow many times a client can try to connect to the cluster if it's unavailable.10
AuthEnabledWhether authentication and authorization are enabled.false
UsernameUsername for authentication and authorization.
PasswordPassword for authentication. If this isn't set, authentication is conducted without a password.
AuthTokenExpirationTimeTime after which the authentication token should be refreshed. If the time set for AuthTokenExpirationTime is greater than the expiration time on the cluster, the authentication token will be refreshed when an authentication error is received. If the authentication token is successfully refreshed, the authentication error won't be propagated to the client code. Instead, the operation that has failed with the authentication error will be retried automatically. If more than one operation is running in parallel, all these operations will fail once with the authentication error before the authentication token is refreshed.00:00:00 (The authentication token expiration time received from the cluster is used.)
TlsRootCertPemCustom CA root certificate (PEM data) for TLS communication.
TlsRootCertPathFile path to the custom CA root certificate for TLS communication.
TlsOverrideAuthorityCustom authority for TLS communication. This doesn't change what host is actually connected. This is mainly intended for testing. For example, you can specify the hostname presented in the cluster's certificate (the scalar.db.cluster.node.tls.cert_chain_path parameter of the cluster). If there's more than one hostname in the cluster's certificate, only the first hostname will be checked.
LogSensitiveDataIf set to true, information like username, password, and authentication token will be logged as is without masking when logging gRPC requests and responses.false
GrpcRequestTimeoutTimeout for gRPC requests. Internally, the timeout's value is used to calculate and set a deadline for each gRPC request to the cluster. If the set deadline is exceeded, the request is cancelled and DeadlineExceededException is thrown. If the timeout is set to 0, no deadline will be set.00:01:00
GrpcMaxReceiveMessageSizeThe maximum message size in bytes that can be received by the client. When set to 0, the message size is unlimited.4 MB
GrpcMaxSendMessageSizeThe maximum message size in bytes that can be sent from the client. When set to 0, the message size is unlimited.0 (Unlimited)

How ScalarDB column types are converted to and from .NET types​

When using LINQ or extension methods for the Transactional API, SQL API, or Administrative API, a column's value received from the cluster is automatically converted to a corresponding .NET type. Likewise, a value of a .NET property is automatically converted to a corresponding cluster's type when an object is being saved to the cluster.

In the following table, you can find how types are converted:

ScalarDB type.NET typeC# alias